If your weather is anything like mine this winter, there's a lot of cold, but little snow. For kids, winter's no fun without the snow-just chill and wet. When it's too cold to play outside and too boring to play inside, most kids' attention turns to mischief. Why not head off your little troublemakers off at the pass with a cheap (mostly free) afternoon of fun, compliments of your bookshelf? Easy, Cheap Kids' Book Party
Wouldn't you know it--a holiday or vacation is finally here and your child gets ill. Holidays and vacations can be miserable for sick kids (and parents who must care for them). No parties, curtailed activities, more work, extra worries. If you're trying to homeschool with a sick child (or three) that's a challenge, too. Here are at-home family holiday activities that sick kids can enjoy, too. Tweak these activities for non-holiday "ordinary time" too. How to Homeschool with a Sick Child
As an education major in college, we were drilled in lesson design. As a classroom teacher, home-schooler, play director, coach, and group leader, I've designed and taught many lesson plans. As a substitute teacher, I've followed other educators plans. From these experiences, I developed my own format of lesson plan, based upon my education and experience. Read more