Dellarontay Readus gets in to all Ivy Leagues, needs college money to bury mom

You can't listen to Dellarontay Readus talk about his mother's death without crying. WREG told the story of the teen who got in to all 8 ivy league colleges who now needs his college money to bury his mom, on August 12. Actually WREG has been following Readus's star ascendant and he's touched a lot of people. Readus's mother Lynn Readus, who struggled with heart and stomach problems, got to see her boy graduate. She was able to witness him get a 31 on his college placement exams. But she won't get to see her boy go to Stanford, the school he selected after offers from Princeton, Yale, Harvard and others.Dellarontay Readus gets in to all Ivy Leagues, needs college money to bury mom - Grand Rapids News |


Free printable lighthouse activities, maritime lesson plans, ship coloring pages

 Happy National Lighthouse Day! says August 7 is "hug a beacon" day! It commemorates the day, in 1789, when Congress took responsibility for building and upkeep of a system of lighthouses to keep America's waters and extensive coastline safe. Here are free printable National Lighthouse Day activities, maritime lesson plans, coloring pages, crafts, games and toys. Side-stepping the less savory aspects of pirate lore, I've included navigation, maritime and marine lesson plans and printable boats and ships.  Free printable lighthouse activities, maritime lesson plans, ship coloring pages - Grand Rapids Holidays |

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