Free Printable Mexican History, Cinco de Mayo Lesson Plans

Cinco de Mayo, fifth of May, is more American holiday than Mexican, even though it commemorates the 1862 Mexican victory at Puebla. The defeat was pretty impressive given a small David Mexican army was greatly outnumbered by the Goliath French force. If you're looking for information on the real story behind Cinco de Mayo, here are free printable lesson plans, activities, games, puzzles. Print Mexican/Spanish vocabulary, social studies, history and geography worksheets.  Free Printable Cinco de Mayo Lesson Plans on Mexican History

Think Earth Day with Recycled Homeschooling Supplies

I was an early homeschool mom, starting in 1994. When I homeschooled our four children, we lived on one income in a mobile home. Space and money was limited. Here is my diy, budget homeschooling materials list. I've included organization and storage tips, using shoeboxes, plastic laundry bins and plastic bins with drawers. These are perfect Earth Day activities!  Recycled, Inexpensive Storage and Supplies for Home-Schooling

Holy Week Easter Egg Devotional Craft for Palm Sunday to Easter

Catholic, Orthodox and some Protestant Christians observe Lent, a journey on the way of sorrows which Our Lord took on His way to the cross. Easter, then is a celebration of the Passion, death, resurrection and triumph of Christ. For us, Easter is a New Birth. Holy Week starts with Palm Sunday and goes through the triduum--Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday. Here's a Holy Week devotional craft using Easter eggs   Easter Egg Religious Devotional Craft -- A Spiritual Journey

Free Printable Catholic Chrisitan Holy Week, Easter Triduum Coloring Pages

Lent is the holiest season of the Catholic church year. During Lent, we follow Jesus on His journey to Calvary. We fast, pray and give alms in imitation of Christ's suffering and in reparation for our sins. Lent ends with Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. From there, we follow the Way of the Cross (Via Dolorosa) also called that Stations of the Cross. The last three days of Lent are called the Easter or paschal triduum. "Paschal" refers to the passion, death and resurrection of Christ. The Easter Triduum begins at sundown on Holy (Maundy) Thursday, continjues through Good Friday, Easter Vigil (Holy Saturday) and on to Easter Sunday. Here are free printable coloring pages to help children explore the paschal mysteries of Christ's EasterFree Printable Catholic Holy Week, Easter Triduum Coloring Pages


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