Free Printable Catholic Chrisitan Holy Week, Easter Triduum Coloring Pages

Lent is the holiest season of the Catholic church year. During Lent, we follow Jesus on His journey to Calvary. We fast, pray and give alms in imitation of Christ's suffering and in reparation for our sins. Lent ends with Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. From there, we follow the Way of the Cross (Via Dolorosa) also called that Stations of the Cross. The last three days of Lent are called the Easter or paschal triduum. "Paschal" refers to the passion, death and resurrection of Christ. The Easter Triduum begins at sundown on Holy (Maundy) Thursday, continjues through Good Friday, Easter Vigil (Holy Saturday) and on to Easter Sunday. Here are free printable coloring pages to help children explore the paschal mysteries of Christ's EasterFree Printable Catholic Holy Week, Easter Triduum Coloring Pages


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